What is latent semantic indexing keywords?

LSI Keyword Full Form is Latent Semantic Indexing keywords.

Words that are considered to be semantically relevant and connected to the main terminal are known as LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing keywords.

However, they are not synonymous. They are words that are closely linked and help in defining a page's topic.

LSI Keyword Examples

Suppose you were writing a blog post titled "5 Things You Should Know About the Benefits of Digital Marketing." The benefits of digital marketing are your primary keyword. Use appropriate terms like.

  • digital marketing meaning
  • benefits of digital marketing
  • digital marketing definition
  • types of digital marketing
  • fundamentals of digital marketing
  • types of online marketing
So, these are the LSI Keywords Examples.


Google possibly makes use of latent semantic indexing. They believe that by saying this, they are trying to infer that Google makes use of synonyms and terms with similar semantic meanings.

They are incorrect. Semantically based language models, like LSI, are but one type of language model. There is even the word "semantics" in it. LSI does not necessarily cover all meanings as a result of this.

Google employs LSI, a method, to index web pages. Your Google ranking can increase if you include LSI keywords in your content.